Thursday, August 11, 2016

Review: Amour Amour by Krista and Becca Ritchie

Amour Amour by Krista & Becca RitchieAmour Amour
by Krista and Becca Ritchie
December 12, 2014
347 pages

Goodreads Summary:
Love is a circus

"Every day,” he says lowly, “I hold a person’s life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me.”

The best aerial technique won’t land 21-year-old Thora James her dream role in Amour—a sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip. Thora knows she’s out of her element the second she meets Amour’s leading performer. Confident, charming and devilishly captivating, 26-year-old Nikolai Kotova lives up to his nickname as the “God of Russia.”

When Thora unknowingly walks into the crosshairs of Nikolai’s after-show, her audition process begins way too soon. Unprofessional. That’s what Nik calls their “non-existent” relationship. It’s not like Thora can avoid him. For one, they may be partners in the future--acrobatic partners, that is. But getting closer to Nik means diving deeper into sin city and into his dizzying world.

Thora wants to perform with him, but when someone like Nikolai attracts the spotlight wherever he goes—Thora fears that she’s destined to be just background to his spellbinding show.

This sexy and exhilarating New Adult Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage.

It's true. Amour Amour is every bit as juicy and enjoyable as I've heard it is. It's filled with otherworldly action, romantic tension and delicious relationships. I was rooting for the characters all the way.

I loveeeeee the circus aspect! Maybe it's because I've seen Cirque du Soleil but I was able to completely immerse myself into the story. The acrobatic acts, the training sessions, every bit was intense and enthralling. It was overwhelming at times but I love it.
The stakes are high for Thora as she essentially throws everything away to pursue her dream. She takes a giant leap- really putting herself out there for a dream nobody thinks she will accomplish. But she persists because it's hers. Even when things were looking bleak she fought through the odds and pushed on. She had courage and endurance and nobody deserved happiness more than her (except maybe Nikolai). Thora accomplished the impossible.

Shay, Thora's best friend was a douche. I'm sorry but seriously, he's an a**hole. In my eyes, he's always putting Thora down and getting in her way. I didn't see his actions as interventions but as interferences. He did not have her best interest at heart. Not when he fought with Nikolai and certainly not when he told her parents the truth without her permission. I just couldn't like him. I'm so glad the authors didn't add any romantic turn into their friendship.

Seriously, who wouldn't fall for Nikolai (Nik)? He is pulse-pounding, unable-to-turn-away hot. I don't know how Thora could've resisted for so long because I would've caved at that first meeting. Handstands suddenly became very sexy ;) Nikolai is everything you'd want in a man. He's gentle, fierce, dedicated, passionate, <inserts more positive adjectives>. The way he supported Thora all the way was touching and so selfless.

Thora and Nik's chemistry was off the charts. Their attraction-- magnetic. I was cheering so hard for them. They had some major swoon-worthy scenes that had my heart beating erratically. Although, Thora's repetition of Nikolai's gunmetal eyes/skies was a tad annoying. Please stop because I got it the second time. That aside, I was totally in love with the two of them.

I have the slightest bit of hesitation with how things wrapped up because it was a little too neat and easy. The resolution- I feel like it's sort of a cheat but I also support it. It's weird, I know. I've seen how hard and how much work Thora has put into her dream and to say anything other than she earned it would be unfair. It was an ending I could get behind.

This is my first book of Krista and Becca Ritchie's and it definitely won't be the last. I'm beyond excited and super looking forward to Luka's story, Infini!

4 Cats


  1. I'm so glad you read and liked this. I know it wasn't for everyone but I really enjoyed it as well so it makes me happy to see others liking it too. :D

    1. *high fives* It was so good! I love the emotions!

  2. I read the entire Addicted (and Calloway Series), and I love them so much!! I haven't read this one but I'm looking forward to, actually this is the first review I read of this book and it makes me more anxious to read it!

    Great Review!!

    1. That's so great to hear! And thank you! The sequel to this one is coming out this year too so I hope you'll read and love them :D

  3. I still haven't read a book by this duo. And everyone loves their books! Someday, someday.


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