Monday, August 10, 2020

Quick Review: Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdoms #6) by Morgan Rhodes

Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdom #6) by Morgan Rhodes
Immortal Reign
(Falling Kingdoms #6)
by Morgan Rhodes
February 6, 2018
391 pages

Goodreads Summary:
As two lethal elemental gods set out to destroy Mytica, sworn enemies must become allies in the final fight to save the kingdoms.

Jonas continues to willfully defy his destiny, but the consequences of plotting his own course are drastic. As the fight for Mytica rages on, he must decide just how much more he's willing to sacrifice.

Lucia knows there's something special about her daughter and she'll do anything to protect her, even if that means facing Kyan alone.

Amara is called back home to Kraeshia. Grandma Cortas has her own plans for Mytica's future. She promises Amara power, revenge, and dominance if she agrees to be part of her scheme.

Magnus and Cleo's love will be put to the ultimate test. Dark magic is causing widespread destruction throughout the kingdom. Enemies across the sea are advancing. And unrest is stirring throughout the land. Is their love strong enough to withstand the outside forces tearing them apart?


I couldn't have asked for a better ending than Immortal Reign. It's a satisfying finale in all aspects with the plots wrapped up and the characters in their rightful places.

What I Liked:
- the story came full circle with the four main characters finally all in one place
- the humour in the dialogues
- Magneo forever
- seeing Lucia fulfilling her destiny
- Jonas and the goodness in him
- Nerissa is a real badass supporting character
- Felix so vicious but witty
- Magnus and Lucia's unending sibling affection
- the Kindred and the truth behind their orbs
- the ending

The Not So Much:
- the redemption arcs for (King Gaius and Amara) were a bit cheesy
- I wanted just a little more on Lyssa and her "special-ness"

Binge-reading the Falling Kingdoms books was definitely the way to go. I fell in love with the characters and their plight and really enjoyed seeing their story till the very end. I would love a sequel series- pretty please Morgan Rhodes??

4.5 Cats


  1. Yay! You finished it! I loved this series! Cleo and Magnus' story arc was by far my favorite! :)

  2. This sounds like a great read! Hugs,RO


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