Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Review: The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. Jensen

The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. JensenThe Traitor Queen
(The Bridge Kingdom #2)
by Danielle L. Jensen
September 1, 2020
346 pages

Goodreads Summary:
A queen now in exile as a traitor, Lara has watched Ithicana be conquered by her own father, helpless to do anything to stop the destruction. But when she learns her husband, Aren, has been captured in battle, Lara knows there is only one reason her father is keeping him alive: as bait for his traitorous daughter.

And it is bait she fully intends to take.

Risking her life to the Tempest Seas, Lara returns to Ithicana with a plan not only to free its king, but for liberating the Bridge Kingdom from her father’s clutches using his own weapons: the sisters whose lives she spared. But not only is the palace inescapable, there are more players in the game than Lara ever realized, enemies and allies switching sides in the fight for crowns, kingdoms, and bridges. But her greatest adversary of all might be the very man she’s trying to free – the husband she betrayed.

With everything she loves in jeopardy, Lara must decide who – and what – she is fighting for: her kingdom, her husband, or herself.


As to be expected of Danielle L. Jensen's books, I'm at a lost for words to say. The Traitor Queen was simply spectacular. I can say, with absolute certainty, that The Bridge Kingdom series is one I'll read again and again.

The Traitor Queen sees Aren in captivity and Lara doing everything in her power to rescue him and free Ithicana from the clutches of her tyrant father. The story is a whirlwind with lots of political strategizing and nonstop action. I loved watching the characters put their skills to use. However, I was most excited to meet Lara's sisters! They were a lethal bunch that I wouldn't want to cross. Girl power!

Lara made a mistake (albeit a big one) and people weren't letting her forget it. I really felt for her through the entire book. But not only did Lara accept her fault, she pays for it over and over again in The Traitor Queen. Putting herself in danger's path, Lara tirelessly tried to right her wrong. She was selfless, fierce and unstoppable. I couldn't get enough of her kicking asses!

A huge thank you to Danielle for not making us wait longer than necessary for Lara and Aren's reunion in The Traitor Queen! There's so much (delicious) tension between these two! From dodging people out for her blood to having to consider his people's feelings, a future together seemed near impossible for them. But that same impossibility made every moment Lara and Aren shared that much more emotional. I was simultaneously afraid and hopeful for them. In the end I think Danielle sealed their fate perfectly ;)

The Traitor Queen is a beautiful finish to Lara and Aren's story. While I'm sad we won't be focusing on them again, I'm thrilled to have Keris and Zarah's story sail into my life! Just give them to me already! Please please please!

5 Cats
*I was gifted a copy of this book by the author. All opinions are my own and not affected in any way. Any quotes included in my review were taken from the ebook I received.

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