Thursday, October 2, 2014

Book Tour, Review & Giveaway: Unrequited by Emma Grey

Unrequited cover
by Emma Grey
May 26, 2014
240 pages

Goodreads Summary:
Seventeen-year-old Kat Hartland loathes Unrequited, the world's biggest boy band. Is she the only girl in Sydney who can't be bothered with perfect-looking Angus Marsden?

Give her 5 Seconds of Summer. Now.

Or maybe the seriously-hot med student who rescued her on a train—and who could be Douglas Booth's twin! Perfect formal partner, much?

But when Kat comes face to face with Angus Marsden himself, things start to get complicated. Very. Throw in a deranged female popstar, final exams, a part in the musical and a mum who just doesn't get it—and where is her best friend?

When did life get so crazy? Kat's just an ordinary schoolgirl.

Isn't she?


The first thought running through my head after finishing this book was how simple but cute the story was. It's cute not in a melt-you-into-a-gooey-puddle way but in an aww-who-can-resist-a-dream-come-true way. I was looking for a quick and fun read with Unrequited and that's exactly what I got. I do have to warn you that the story's not very realistic so for readers who are looking for a story that's believable, you might be disappointed.

Kat’s life was basically a fairy tale come true except she doesn’t really become a princess. I thought she would in a way but she turned out to be more than that. She was undeniably talented but extremely hesitant to show it because of a past tragedy. Whenever she talked to herself, I felt her struggle. It was legitimate but saddening to see how much she doubted herself. She also talked to herself quite often and while I think it's a very normal teenage behaviour, I did find it annoying at times. By the end of the book, I'm super glad she took control of herself and was able to represent herself properly.

I truly enjoyed Angus Marsden as a love interest. Despite his young age, he was thoughtful and had Kat's best interest at heart throughout the story. Even though there was insta-love, I found it tolerable seeing as they're so young. Unrequited sounded like an awesome band :) Since I don't follow the pop culture these days, I went into this book with an open mind about the boy band ideology which definitely resulted in my benefit. So my suggestion is to put aside any bias you have regarding boy bands if you are interested in picking this book up.

I was surprised by the multiple POVs but it was very easy to discern who was speaking so I had no problems with it. Although I really didn't care much for the other characters or their stories. They felt more like a distraction to the main story. Some of the characters felt like they were just thrown in to provide more story and to set up a love rectangle.

 All the events that took place happened in a very short period of time but I think it gave a very accurate portrayal of how quickly the social media platforms work in today's world. It impacts our lives even if we're unaware of it. In many different ways.

I feel like this would be a great script for a teen movie! If you're looking for a whirlwind escape from reality then I think Unrequited will do the job! It's an easy and fun read that will leave you singing the words to Kat and Angus's song(s)!

3.5 Cats

*I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinion are my own and not affected in any way.


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  1. This sounds really cute and a fast read. I could use a story like this. I've been reading that vampire trilogy by Julie Kagawa. yeesh. I need a break from it.

    1. Definitely!! Take a break and enjoy this cute fast read ;)

  2. I love quick fun reads like this. Thanks for putting this on my radar and for the giveaway chance.

  3. Hi Eileen, sounds like my kind of read. Thanks for the great review!


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